The company EM.TRONIC d.o.o. has been operating since 1996. The company employs 15 qualified people with relevant experience. The company works in the field of development, mechanical and electrical engineering, automation, software developmnet, production processes and equipment for CBRN protection. We are registered as a research unit and as an engineering organization. We have a license for manufacturing and trading of the military equipment. In the implementation of major projects we employ researchers from Maribor and Ljubljana University, Institutes and verified subcontractors. Em.tronic d.o.o. co-operate with international companies with special skills and with all necessary certificates.
Here are some photos of our recent projects.
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The main strategic goal is to develop 3H battery, which will provide high current power and simultaneous high energy density of battery pack, which will, after completion of the project, enable marketing on selected segments and further development.
The project contributes with its results to the realization of Slovenian strategy of smart specialization S4 in the priority area: mobiliy and sub-area: e-mobility and energy storage. In this field will the project contributed to more efficient and cleaner energy use as it eliminates the main problems in the development of racing two-wheelers by switching from internal combustion engines to e-motors driven by electricity.
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Reach us for quotes and offers!
We are attending the following exhibitions.
Em. tronic d.o.o will exhibit at EUROSATORY 2024 Paris. You can find us at Pavilion Slovenia Hall 6 - K95.
Come and meet us!
Em. tronic d.o.o will exhibit at EUROSATORY 2022 Paris. You can find us at Pavilion Slovenia Hall 6 - K197.
Come and meet us!
Em. tronic d.o.o exhibited at DSEI 2019 in London. We equipped the exhibition space with our posters and showed films about our products on the monitor. We presented our products to potential customers from all over the world. We focused in particular on the Middle East and Asian countries, as well as European Union countries. We also used the event for meetings and negotiations on relationships with customers and suppliers, finding new providers and gathering information about new technologies.
The operation was selected for co-financing in the Public tender for co-financing individual appearances of companies at international fairs abroad in the years 2019-2022. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.